Priv.-Doz. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.mont.

Stefan Steinlechner


• Prozessentwicklung/-optimierung zur Behandlung von Rückständen und Nebenprodukten der metallurgischen Industrie We
• Modellierung metallurgischer Prozesse
• Extraktive Metallurgie von Zink, Blei, Kupfer, Nickel und Edelmetallen



1998–2003HTL Leoben / Ausbildungsschwerpunkt Metallurgie
2004–2008Bachelorstudium Metallurgie an der Montanuniversität Leoben
2008–2009Masterstudium Metallurgie an der Montanuniversität Leoben mit den Schwerpunkten Nichteisenmetallurgie, Gießereikunde und Thermoprozesstechnik
2013Promotion zum Doktor der montanistischen Wissenschaften
Thema: Amelioration and market strategies for zinc oxide with focus on secondary sources
2018Habilitation für das Fach “Metallurgie der Nichteisenmetalle”
Thema: Process development and optimization for the extraction of minor elements from industrial residues and by-products

Beruflicher Werdegang

2009–2013Universitätsassistent am Institut für Nichteisenmetallurgie, Montanuniversität Leoben
2013–2018PostDoc im Christian Doppler Labor für Optimierung und Biomasseeinsatz beim Recycling von Schwermetallen
2014–2018Leiter des Research Studio Austria für Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz beim Recycling von Metallen aus industriellen Reststoffen
seit 2018Privatdozent am Lehrstuhl für Nichteisenmetallurgie
seit 2020Leiter des Christian Doppler Labor für selektive Rückgewinnung von Spezialmetallen mittels innovativer Prozesskonzepte


Höber L., R. Ahmed, T. Hofbauer und S. Steinlechner: Strategies for the upgrade of a TBZC product (Tetra Basic Zinc Chloride) by selective removal of the impurity chlorine. Rewas 2022 – Developing tomorrow‘s technical cycles (2022), Anaheim, Kalifornien, USA, 95–108

Höber L., K. Witt und S. Steinlechner: Selective chlorination and extraction of valuable metals from iron precipitation residues. Applied Sciences (2022), 12, 7, 3590

Steinlechner S. und L. Höber: CO2-optimized recovery of special metals from precipitation residue by selective chlorination. 8th Symposium on rare metal extraction and processing held at the 151st TMS Annual meeting and Exhibition (2022), Anaheim, Kalifornien, USA, 237–244

Höber L. und S. Steinlechner: A comprehensive review of processing strategies for iron precipitation residues from zinc hydrometallurgy. Cleaner Engineering and Technology 4 (2021)

Höber L., R. Lerche und S. Steinlechner: Algorithmic Modelling of Advanced Chlorination Procedures for Multimetal Recovery. Metals 11(10), (2021), 1595

Höber L. und S. Steinlechner: Carbon-reduced pyrometallurgical extraction of critical elements from jarosite and goethite. Proceedings of European Metallurgical Conference (2021), Salzburg, Österreich (online)

Steinlechner S.  und L. Höber: The iron precipitate from primary zinc production: A potential future source for indium and silver. Rare Metal Technology (1/2020), pp 209-220

Leuchtenmüller M., W. Schatzmann und S. Steinlechner: A kinetic study to recover valuables from hazardous ISF slag. Journal of environmental chemical engineering (2020)

Steinlechner S.: Selective Recovery of PGMs and Cerium by a Hydrochloric Leaching Process for Automotive Catalysts. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Conference of Metallurgists (2020)

Höber L. und S. Steinlechner: combined recycling of jarosite and magnesium salt slags – an innovative way for the recovery of indium and silver with reduced carbon emissions. Proceedings of the 59th Annual Conference of Metallurgists – COM (2020)

Willms, T., T. Echterhof, S. Steinlechner, M. Aula, A. Abdelrahim, T. Fabritius, D. Mombelli, C. Mapelli, und S. Preiss: Investigation on the chemical and thermal behavior of recycling agglomerates from EAF by-products. Applied Sciences (2020), pp. 1-14

Echterhof T., T. Willms, S. Preiss, M. Omran, T. Fabritius, D. Mombelli, C. Mapelli, S. Steinlechner, I. Unamuno, S. Schueler, D. Mudersbach und T. Griessacher: Developing a new process to agglomerate secondary raw material fines for recycling in the electric arc furnace – the fines2EAF project. Metallurgia Italiana (2019) No. 5, 31-40

Echterhof T., T. Willms, S. Preiss, M. Aula, A. Abdelrahim, T. Fabritius, D. Mombelli, C. Mapelli, S. Steinlechner und I. Unamuno: Fabrication of agglomerates from secondary raw materials reinforced with paper fibres by stamp pressing process. Applied Sciences (2019), No. 9, Switzerland, 39-46

Steinlechner S.: Extraction of Indium and Silver aside of Zinc from Jarosite residue. Proceedings of European Metallurgical Conference (2019), Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Leuchtenmüller M., J. Antrekowitsch und S. Steinlechner: A Kinetic Study Investigating the CarbothermicRecovery of Chromium from a Stainless-Steel Slag. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B (2019), pp 1-8

Antrekowitsch J. and S. Steinlechner: Efficient Utilization of Zinc-, Lead- and Copper-Containing By-Products, REWAS TMS 2019, San Antonio, USA, 2019

Steinlechner S. and J. Antrekowitsch: Extraction of Zinc, Silver and Indium via Vaporization from Jarosite Residue, REWAS TMS 2019, San Antonio, USA, 2019

Steinlechner S.: Characterization and process development for the selective removal of Sn, Sb, and As from anode slime obtained from electrolytic copper refining. Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy (2018), 54, 1, 81–89

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Thermodynamic considerations for a pyrometallurgical extraction of indium and silver from a jarosite residue. Journal of Metals (2018)

Echterhof T., T. Willims, S. Preiß, M. Omran, T. Fabritius, D. Mombelli, C. Mapelli, S. Steinlechner, I. Unamuno, D. Mudersbach und T. Griessacher: Developing a new process to agglomerate secondary raw material fines for recycling in the electric arc furnace – the Fines2EAF project Clean Tech 4 (2018), Bergamo, Italien, online proceedings

Wegscheider S., J. Antrekowitsch und S. Steinlechner: Recycling of jarosite and electric arc furnace dust in a metal bath process to recover valuable metals. Proc. of SIPS 2017, Vol.7, Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit, Cancun, Mexiko, 2018, 103–110

Steinlechner S.: Characterization and process development for the selective removal of Sn, Sb, and As from anode slime obtained from electrolytic copper refining. Journal of Mining and Metallurgy, Section B: Metallurgy (2018), 54, 1, 81–89

Steinlechner S.: Present status in the recycling of industrial residues from lead, zinc and copper industry and their possible future contribution to the supply of selected minor elements, like silver. Proceedings of METAL 2017 (2017), Brünn, Tschechische Republik, online proceedings

Wegscheider S., G. Hanke, S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Process development for a combined treatment of EAFD and jarosite. Proc. of Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities (2017), Porto, Portugal, 37–43

Pichler C., S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Primary Lead Slags – A potential Secondary Resource. World of Metallurgy – Erzmetall, 70/2017, 1, 33–41

Steinlechner S. und  J. Antrekowitsch:  Residues from Lead, Zinc and Copper Industry and their Possible Contribution to the Supply of Selected Minor Elements. Proc. of COM 2016 – 55th Conference of Metallurgists hosted by IMPC 2016, Quebec City, Kanada, 1–8

Steinlechner S.: Potential Contribution to the Supply of Silver by the Recycling of Industrial Residues from Zn, Pb, and Cu Plants, Process. Proc. of REWAS 2016, Nashville Tennessee, 23–28

Wegscheider S., S. Steinlechner und M. Leuchtenmüller: Innovative concept for the recovery of silver and indium by a combined treatment of jarosite and electric arc furnace dust, JOM (2016)

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner:  IRON AS A LIMITING FACTOR IN THE DIRECT LEACHING OF WAELZ OXIDES, Proc. of COM 2016 – 55th Conference of Metallurgists hosted by IMPC 2016, Quebec City, Kanada, 1–9

Wegscheider S. und S. Steinlechner: Residues from the zinc industry – a potential future resource for silver and indium: Proc. of COM 2016 – 55th Conference of Metallurgists hosted by IMPC 2016, Quebec City, Kanada, 41

Wegscheider S. und S. Steinlechner: Thermodynamic considerations regarding the volatilization behavior of silver and indium from jarosite by a pyrometallurgical treatment. Multi Science – XXX microCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference, University of Miskolc, Miskolc, Hungary 2016

Rösler, G., C. Pichler, S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Mini Mill Solutions in the Recycling of Electric Arc Furnace Dust – The 2sDR Process. Proc. of REWAS 2016, Nashville Tennessee, p.43–48

Antrekowitsch H, S. Luidold, J. Antrekowitsch, S. Pogatscher, S. Steinlechner: Aktuelle Entwicklungstrends und zukünftige Herausforderungen im Bereich der Nichteisenmetallurgie. Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte: BHM (2015) 1–6

Wegscheider S., S. Steinlechner, C. Pichler, G. Rösler und J. Antrekowitsch: The 2sDR process – Innovative treatment of Electric Arc Furnace Dust. Proc. of Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities (2015), Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 355–360

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Potential of a Hydrometallurgical Recycling Process for Catalysts to Cover the Demand for Critical Metals, Like PGMs and Cerium. JOM 67 (2015), No.2, 406–411

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Potential of lead, zinc and copper containing residues to contribute to the supply of minor metals. Proc. of Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities (2015), Viana do Castelo, Portugal, 341-357

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: The current status of mini mill solutions for the recycling of steel mill dusts. Proc. Of SIPS2015 – Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition, Antalya, Turkey (2015)

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: POTENTIAL OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES RECYCLING FROM LEAD, ZINC OR COPPER INDUSTRY TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUPPLY OF MINOR METALS. Proc. Of SIPS2015 – Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition, Antalya, Turkey (2015)

Osthof H., S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Alternative Models for the Calculation of CAPEX and OPEX for a Hydrometallurgical Plant. Proc. Of the 8th Southern African Base Metals Conference, Livingstone, Zambia (2015)

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Recycling potential of precious metals from zinc, lead and copper containing residues. Proc. of EMC (2015), Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Unger A., S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Upgrade of WOX with high energy solar radiation. Proc. MultiScience. XXVIII microCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Ungarn, 2014

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Behavior of Halogen Compounds in Secondary Zinc Oxide during Thermal Treatment. World of Metallurgy, Erzmetall 67 (2014), No. 4, 213-219

Antrekowitsch J., S. Steinlechner, A. Unger, G. Rösler, C. Pichler und R. Rumpold: Zinc and Residue Recycling. Handbook of Recycling, State-of-the-art for practitioners, Analysts, and Scientists, Seite 113 – 124

Antrekowitsch J., S. Steinlechner, A. Unger, G. Rösler, C. Pichler und R. Rumpold: Optimization and Biomass Utillization in Heavy Metal Recycling. BHM (2014) Vol. 159 (1), p. 23-29

Steinlechner S.: Environmentally friendly recycling of automotive catalysts in a closed hydrometallurgical loop. Hydrometallurgy 2014 – Volume II, p.489-498, Victoria, Canda

Unger A., S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: A sustainable recycling process for simultaneous recovery of Zn, Pb and Ag from a dumped slag. Proceedings of Shechtman International Symposium Vol. 3. (2014), S. 179–190

Unger A., S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Simultaneous recovery of valuables from a dumped slag. Proceedings of the 46th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy. (2014), S. 52–56

Unger A., S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Zinc oxide quality upgrade by a clinkering process obtained from recycling of secondary resources. Recycling of Non-Ferrous metals, Krakau, Polen, 2013

Unger A., S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Recovery of valuable metals like Zn, Pb and Ag from a hazardous residue generated in the pyrometallurgical lead-, zinc- production. WASTES, 11.-13. September, Braga, Portugal, 2013

Steinlechner S.: A hydrometallurgical concept for PGM recycling from catalysts – From a mass balance to economic considerations, Precious Metals. The Precious Metals Development Network (PMDN), Cape Town, South Africa, 2013

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: PGM recycling from catalysts in a closed hydrometallurgical loop with an optional cerium recovery. REWAS TMS 2013, San Antonio, USA, 2013

Griessacher T., J. Antrekowitsch und S. Steinlechner: Charcoal from agricultural residues as alternative reducing agent in metal recycling. Biomass and Bioenergy 39 (2012), 139 – 146

Steinlechner S., J. Antrekowitsch und G. Schneeberger: Influence of temperature and treatment time on the halide removal yield during clinkering. Proc. of XXVI. microCad International Scientific Conference (2012), Miskolc, Ungarn

Steinlechner S.: Optimization possibilities in zinc recycling from residues. Proc. of PSU-IC 2012 (The 10th International Conference on Mining, Materials and Petroleum Engineering / The 6th International Conference on Earth Resources Technology) (2012), Songkhla, Thailand

Steinlechner S.: The potential of secondary resources for covering future zinc and lead demands. EUMicon 2012, Leoben, Austria, 2012

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Investigations in Clinkering for the Removal of Halogens from Secondary Zinc Oxides. Proc. of XXV. microCad International Scientific Conference (2011), Miskolc, 55 – 62

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Options for Halogen Removal from Secondary Zinc Oxides. Proc. of 3rd Seminar on Networking between Zinc and Steel (2011), Leoben, Österreich, 47 – 56

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Hydro- and Pyrometallurgical Options for the Upgrading of Low Grade Secondary Zinc Oxides. Proc. of EMC 2 (2011), Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 533 – 546

Steinlechner S., G. Schneeberger und J. Antrekowitsch: Possibilities for the Improvement of Secondary Zinc Oxide Quality. Proc. of 50th Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2011), Montreal, Kanada, 247 – 257

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: The Recycling of Heavy-metal Containing Wastes: Mass Balances and Economical Estimations. JOM 63 (2011) 1, 68 – 72

Antrekowitsch J., T. Griessacher und S. Steinlechner: Optimization in Recycling of Zinc Containing Residues. Proc. of 1st International Conference on WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities (2011), Guimaraes, Portugal, 258 – 263

Schneeberger G., S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Characterization and Reduction of Filter Dusts in the Liquid Phase. Proc. of 50th Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2011), Montreal, Kanada, 387 – 397

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: Optimization in the Recycling of Zinc Containing Industrial Residues. Proc. of Earth2011 – The 11th International Symposium on East Asia Resource Recycling Technology (2011), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 608 – 611

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Concepts for the SImultanous Recovery of Valuable Metals from Zinc Bearing Residues. Proc. of Earth2011 – The 11th International Symposium on East Asia Resource Recycling Technology (2011), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 733 – 736

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: Melting Behavior Of Complex Zinc Containing Residues. Proc. of International Symposium on Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment (Fray Symposium) (2011), Cancun, Mexiko

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Investigations In The Improvement Of Recycling Of Electric Arc Furnace Dusts. Proc. of International Symposium on Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment (Fray Symposium) (2011), Cancun, Mexiko

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: Characterization of Zinc Containing Residues from Copper and Zinc Industry. Proc. of XXIV. microCad International Scientific Conference (2010), Miskolc, S. 1 – 10

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Economical potential of the use of biomass in metallurgical recycling processes. Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (2010), Peking, China

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Investigation in Simultaneous Recovery of Valuable Metals from Heavy-Metal Containing Residues. Proc. of XXIV. microCad International Scientific Conference (2010), Miskolc, S. 59 – 69

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: Potential of hydrogen as alternative reducing agent in metallurgical processes. Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation (2010), Peking, China

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: Bis zum letzten Rest – NE-Metalle Wissenschaftler der Montanuniversität Leoben forschen an einem effizienten Recycling von Reststoffen aus der Metallurgie – dem “Zero-Waste-Verfahren”. Recycling Magazine, Ausgabe 09/10 (2010), 26 – 29

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: Characterization of Zinc Containing Residues from Nonferrous Industry. Proc. of 49th Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2010), Vancouver, Kanada, 153 – 163

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: Evaluation and Recycling Potential of Different Zinc Containing Residues from Metallurgical Industry. Proc. of 49th Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2010), Vancouver, Kanada, 851 – 859

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Simultaneous Recovery of Various Metals from Zinc Containing Residues on a Reducing Metal Bath. Proc. of 49th Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2010), Vancouver, Kanada, 889 – 897

Antrekowitsch J., S. Steinlechner und H. Schnideritsch: Charakterisierung von komplexen Reststoffen der Kupfer- und Zinkmetallurgie. BHM, 154. Jg. (2009), Heft 7, 320 – 327


Steinlechner S.: CO2-optimized recovery of special metals from precipitation residue by selective chlorination. 151st Annual Meeting and Exhibition of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society, Anaheim, Kalifornien, USA, 2022

Steinlechner S.: Fluorine removal from sulphuric acid solutions.  Zinc experts meeting GDMB, 2020

Steinlechner S.: Selective recovery of PGMS and ceroium by a hydrochloric leaching process for atuomative catalysts. 59th Annual Conference of Metallurgists, 2020

Steinlechner S.: Best Practise Example – Austrian Master Program – International Master in Sustainable Materials. The STEAM approach to STEM higher education Inspiring creative thinking in a digital era Training the next generation on SDGs: ET2020 Working Group on modernisation of higher education, Wien, 2020

Steinlechner S.: The iron precipitate from primary zinc production: A potential future source for indium and silver. Rare Metal Technology 2020, TMS, 2020

Steinlechner S.: Qualitiy of zinc oxide and the influence on the market ability. Online – Short course: Advanced steel mill dust recycling, EIT RawMaterials, 2020

Steinlechner S.: Extraction of Indium and Silver aside of Zinc from Jarosite residue. European Metallurgical Conference, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 2019

Steinlechner S.: Selective vaporization of indium and silver from an iron precipitation sludge via a reductive chlorination process. SIPS 2019 – Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition, Paphos, Zypern, 2019

Steinlechner S.: Extraction of Zinc, Silver and Indium via Vaporization from Jarosite Residue, REWAS TMS 2019, San Antonio, USA, 2019

Steinlechner S.: SUMA – Master Program on Sustainable Materials, 10th ESEE Dialogue Conference, 28th March 2019, Leoben

Steinlechner S.: Recycling of industrial residues, CirCOOL 2018 Summer School, 13. July 2018

Steinlechner S.: Development of a recycling concept for Jarosite with special emphasis on the behaviour of indium and silver, Extraction 2018, 7th International Symposium on Advances in Sulfide Smelting, Ottawa, Kanada, 2018

Steinlechner S.: Optimization in the copper anode slime treatment – mineralogical characterization and hydrometallurgical process development for separation of selected side-elements. XXXI. microCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Ungarn, 2017

Steinlechner S.: Present status in the recycling of industrial residues from lead, zinc and copper industry and their possible future contribution to the supply of selected minor elements, like silver. 26th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials, Brünn, Tschechische Republik, 2017

Steinlechner S.: Potential Contribution to the Supply of Silver by the Recycling of Industrial Residues from Zn, Pb, and Cu Plants, Process. Proc. of REWAS 2016, Nashville Tennessee

Steinlechner S.:Residues from Lead, Zinc and Copper Industry and their Possible Contribution to the Supply of Selected Minor Elements. Proc. of COM 2016 – 55th Conference of Metallurgists hosted by IMPC 2016

Steinlechner S.: Recycling in Nonferrous Metallurgy, ALPS – Austrian Leadership Program, 17th June 2016

Steinlechner S.: Vorstellung der Forschungsaktivitäten 2016, Nichteisenmetallurgen Seminar

Steinlechner S.: Activities of the Chair of Nonferrous Metallurgy, WUHAN Summer school, 12th July 2016

Steinlechner S.: Recycling Potential of Precious Metals From Zinc, Lead and Copper Containing Residues. EMC, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 2015

Steinlechner S.: Potential of lead, zinc and copper containing residues to contribute to the supply of minor metals. Proc. of Wastes: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities (2015), Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Steinlechner S.: The role of minor metals in the recycling of industrial residues. Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN

Steinlechner S.: POTENTIAL OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES RECYCLING FROM LEAD, ZINC OR COPPER INDUSTRY TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUPPLY OF MINOR METALS. Proc. Of SIPS2015 – Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit and Exhibition, Antalya, Turkey (2015)

Steinlechner S.: Technical presentation – Nonferrous Metallurgy. Third ESEE Dialogue Conference, Leoben, Austria (2015)

Steinlechner S.: Recycling potential of precious metals from zinc, lead and copper containing residues. Proc. of EMC (2015), Düsseldorf, Deutschland

Unger A., S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Upgrade of WOX with high energy solar radiation. XXVIII microCAD International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Ungarn, 2014

Steinlechner S.: Recycling of PGM containing catalysts by a hydrometallurgical closed loop process with an optional cerium recovery. IPMI International Precious Metals Institute – Conference 2014, Orlando, Florida

Steinlechner S.: Environmentally friendly recycling of automotive catalysts in a closed hydrometallurgical loop. Hydrometallurgy 2014, Victoria, Canada

Unger A., S. Steinlechner und J. Antrekowitsch: Zinc oxide quality upgrade by a clinkering process obtained from recycling of secondary resources. Recycling of Non-Ferrous metals, Krakau, Polen, 2013

Steinlechner S.: Amelioration of Secondary Zinc Oxide, Part II. nternational Zinc Conference and 2013 Zinc Oxide Industry Conference, Cancun, 2013

Steinlechner S.: Verification of a process concept for the simultaneous recovery of valuable metals from lead slag. 3rd Secondary Lead Conference, Singapur 2013

Steinlechner S.: A hydrometallurgical concept for PGM recycling from catalysts – From a mass balance to economic considerations, Precious Metals. he Precious Metals Development Network (PMDN), Cape Town, South Africa, 2013

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: PGM recycling from catalysts in a closed hydrometallurgical loop with an optional cerium recovery. REWAS TMS 2013, San Antonio, USA, 2013

Steinlechner S.: Influence of temperature and treatment time on the halide removal yield during clinkering. XXVI. microCad International Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Ungarn, 2012

Steinlechner S.: Optimization possibilities in zinc recycling from residues. PSU-IC 2012 Conference, Songkhla, Thailand, 2012

Steinlechner S.: The potential of secondary resources for covering future zinc and lead demands. EUMicon 2012, Leoben, Austria, 2012

Steinlechner S.: Investigations in Clinkering for the Removal of Halogens from Secondary Zinc Oxides. XXV. microCad International Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Ungarn, 2011

Steinlechner S.: Options for Halogen Removal from Secondary Zinc Oxides. 3rd Seminar on Networking between Zinc and Steel, Leoben, Österreich, 2011

Steinlechner S.: Möglichkeiten und Entwicklungen zur Erhöhung der Produktqualität im Recycling zinkhaltiger Reststoffe. Eröffnungskolloquium des Christian Doppler Labors für Optimierung und Biomasseeinsatz beim Recycling von Schwermetallen, Leoben, Österreich, 2011

Steinlechner S.: Hydro- and Pyrometallurgical Options for the Upgrading of Low Grade Secondary Zinc Oxides. EMC, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 2011

Steinlechner S.: Possibilities for the Improvement of Secondary Zinc Oxide Quality. 50th Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2011), Montreal, Kanada, 2011

Steinlechner S.: Investigations In The Improvement Of Recycling Of Electric Arc Furnace Dusts. International Symposium on Metals and Materials Processing in a Clean Environment (Fray Symposium), Cancun, Mexiko, 2011

Steinlechner S.: Investigation in Simultaneous Recovery of Valuable Metals from Heavy-Metal Containing Residues. XXIV. microCad International Scientific Conference, Miskolc, Ungarn, 2010

Steinlechner S.: Investigations and recycling principle for various zinc containing residues from metallurgical industry. Zinc Experts Meeting, Forde, Norwegen, 2010

Steinlechner S.: Simultaneous Recovery of Various Metals from Zinc Containing Residues on a Reducing Metal Bath. 49th Annual Conference of Metallurgists (COM 2010), Vancouver, Kanada, 2010


Steinlechner S.: RSA – RessouRe. WerWasWo.Forschung@MUL, Leoben, Österreich, 2017

Steinlechner S. und A. Unger: Waelz oxide as raw material for the fertilizer production – A case study for a successful product upgrade. Forum für Metallurgie und Werkststofftechnik, (2014), Leoben, Österreich

Unger A. und S. Steinlechner: Klinkern von Wälzoxid (WOX) mittels Solarenergie sowie von synthetischen Mischungen zur Studie von Wechselwirkungen. Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, Leoben, Österreich, 2013

Steinlechner S. und T. Griessacher: Wasserstoff-Gewinnung durch Reformierung eines zinkhaltigen Abgases. Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, Leoben, Österreich, 2012

Steinlechner S.: Optimierung der ZnO-Produktqualität. WerWasWo Forschung@MUL, Leoben, Austria, 2012

Antrekowitsch J., S. Steinlechner und T. Griessacher: Simultaneous Recovery of Valuable Metals from Wastes with Reducing Metal Bath Technologies. TMS 2011 140 th TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Diego, USA, 2011

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: Optimization in the Recycling of Zinc Containing Industrial Residues. Earth2011 – The 11th International Symposium on East Asia Resource Recycling Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2011

Steinlechner S., G. Schneeberger und R. Rumpold: Simultane Rückgewinnung von Wertmetallen aus Rückständen der Metallurgie. Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, Leoben, Österreich, 2011

Antrekowitsch J., T. Griessacher, S. Steinlechner, G. Schneeberger und R. Rumpold: Möglichkeiten zur Optimierung beim Recycling zinkhältiger Rückstände. Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, Leoben, Österreich, 2011

Steinlechner S., G. Schneeberger und R. Rumpold: Simultanous recovery of valuable metals from metallurgical processes. EMC, Düsseldorf, Deutschland, 2011

Antrekowitsch J., T. Griessacher und S. Steinlechner: Optimization in Recycling of Zinc Containing Residues. 1st International Conference on WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities (2011), Guimaraes, Portugal

Steinlechner S. und J. Antrekowitsch: Concepts for the SImultanous Recovery of Valuable Metals from Zinc Bearing Residues. Earth2011 – The 11th International Symposium on East Asia Resource Recycling Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2011

Antrekowitsch J. und S. Steinlechner: Potential of hydrogen as alternative reducing agent in metallurgical processes. 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Peking, China, 2010

Antrekowitsch J., H. Schnideritsch, T. Griessacher, S. Steinlechner und G. Schneeberger: Aktivitäten der Nichteisenmetallurgie am Zinksektor. Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, Leoben, Österreich, 2010

Antrekowitsch J., D. Offenthaler, H. Schnideritsch, T. Griessacher und S. Steinlechner: Activities of the zinc group at the department of nonferrous metallurgy. EMC, Innsbruck, Österreich, 2009


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