Sample preparation

Flotation machine

Disc mill TS 1000

Compulsary mixer DIEM DZ60VS

Retsch Sieve stack AS200

Part cleaning device IBS Typ F2

Jaw crusher

Captair Filtair 936

Sawing machine Shark 282

Disc mill inset

L: Glassbeadblasting injection cabin RP Tools SBC 350 / R: sandblasting injection cabin Normfinish BV Junior

Nabertherm drying cabinet TR120 300°C

Nabertherm tilting crucible furnaces K20/13/S 1300°C

Induction furnace smelter ITG 1600°C

Nabertherm tilting crucible furnaces KC1/15 1500°C

Nabertherm tilting crucible furnaces K1/10 1000°C

Indutherm MU700

Carbolite Tube furnace STF 15/450/E/301 1600°C

Willingshofer Rotary furnace RSSF

Nabertherm scale furnace LT9/12/SW 1200°C

Nabertherm Crucible furnace T10/13 1300°C

Nabertherm Pyrolysis furnace T80 1300°C

Nabertherm Crucible furnace T80 1300°C

Induction furnace smelter ITG 1600°C

Kappe filter system

Top Blown Rotary Converter

Top Blown Rotary Converter

Nabertherm Rotary Kiln RSR120

Nabertherm Rotary Kiln RSRC120/1000/13H2

Indutherm MC100V

Laboratory stirred autoclave “inertclave” Typ 1/1.0

Laboratory stirred autoclave “inertclave” Typ 1/1.0

Hesse Hot Stage Micsroscope EM301

Lauda bath circulator Pro Line P 26

Nabertherm Convection chamber furnace L15 650°C

ABB gas analysis 1

ABB gas analysis 1

ABB gas analysis 1

ABB gas analysis 2

Nabertherm scale furnace LT9/12/SW 1200°C

Nabertherm convection chamber furnace N60 85 SHA 850°C

Zwick/Roell Material testing machiner with temperature chamber 100kN

Eurotherm Temperature chamber 3PH+N -80°C bis 350°C

Memmert Vacuum oven VO 400 250°C

Netzsch DSC 204 F1

Netzsch STA 409 PC

Netzsch STA 449 F3

SPECTROMAXx Spark spectrometer

Fully motorized reflected-light microscope Zeiss Axio Imager M1m

Kammrath & Weiss Heating module 1500°C

Electrolytic etching and polishing machine LectroPol-5

Universal Oven Memmert UN 30

Struers Tegramin 30

Struers Cutting machine Secotom 15

Stereomicroscope Zeiss SteREODiscovery V12

Fully motorized reflected-light microscope Zeiss Axio Imager M1m

Scanning Electron Microscope Jeol JSM-IT300

Scanning Electron Microscope Jeol JSM-IT300

Scanning Electron Microscope JEOL7200F

Scanning Electron Microscope JEOL7200F

Electrolytic etching and polishing machine LectroPol-5