Phillip Dumitraschkewitz
Contact Phone:E-Mail:ERC-Grant: +43 3842 402 Grant Education 2000–2004 BRG Bruck/Mur 2004–2009 HTL Leoben, Focus on metallurgy, Passed with honors 2009–2014 Bachelor’s degree program in Material Science, University of Leoben, Austria (B.Sc.) 2014–2015 Master’s degree program in Material Science, University of Leoben, Austria, Graduation Topic: Planar faults in gamma – TiAl: An atomistic study 2019 Conferral of […]
Eva Gerold
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5207+43 664 13 84 Education 2008–2012 Bundesrealgymnasium Judenburg with focus on Science and Nature 2012–2017 Bachelor’s degree program in Industrial environmental protection and process engineering, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2017–2018 Master’s degree program in in Industrial environmental protection and process engineering, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on […]
Gustav Hanke
Contact Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 Education 2007–2011 Bachelorstudium Erdwissenschaften an der Universität Graz und Graduierung zum Bachelor of Science (BSc) 2011–2014 Masterstudium Geologie und Petrologie an der Universität Graz 2014 Graduierung zum Master of ScienceTopic: Cainozoic Uplift of Sinai, Constraints from Field Relationships and (U-Th)/He dating on Apatites 2014–2016 Master’s degree program in Geology […]
Thomas Kremmer
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5213+43 699 194 296 Education 2000–2005 Academy of Commerce Perg 2006–2012 Diploma program in Material Science, University of Leoben, Austria 2012 Graduation (M.Sc.)/(Dipl.-Ing.) Topic: Fatigue properties and microstructure evolution of micro- and nanocrystalline micro beams 2016 Conferral of doctorate (Dr. mont.)Topic: Optimization of high-strength brazing sheets Professional experience 2012–present PhD […]
Manuel Leuchtenmüller
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5258+43 664 808 98 52 Education 2004–2009 Higher Technical Education Institute (HTL) Leoben / Concentration: Logistics 2010–2014 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (B.Sc.) 2014–2015 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with a focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy and Iron and Steel Metallurgy 2015 […]
Irmgard Weißensteiner
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail:Website: +43 3842 402 5257+43 660 557 TripleA (Advanced Aluminium Alloys) Education 2002–2007 HTBLuVA Waidhofen/Ybbs – Industrial engineering 2007–2014 Master’s degree program in Material Science, University of Leoben, Austria 2014 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Characterization of a TNM alloy for high-performance automotive applications 2018 Conferral of doctorate (Dr. mont.)Topic: Deformation in technical bcc and fcc materials – […]
Stefan Wibner
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5212+43 680 11 88 Education 2004–2009 Higher Technical Education Institute (HTL) Graz-Gösting / education focus on plant technology 2010–2015 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2015–2016 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy, Iron and Steel Metallurgy and […]
Rana Ahmed
Contact Phone:E-Mai: +43 3842 402 Education/Professional experience 1998–2005 Primary and Secondary School, Cairo, Egypt 2005–2012 Bachelor’s degree program in Mechanical Engineering, Production and Design dept., Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (BSc) 2018–2020 Master’s degree program in Materials Engineering, Dalarna University, Sweden, with focus on Materials Characterization Techniques, Failure Analysis and Prevention and Iron and […]
Philip Aster
Contact Phone:MobileE-Mail:Website: +43 3842 402 5245+43 664 91 80 TripleA (Advanced Aluminium Alloys) Education/Professional experience 2006–2011 Höhere technische Bundeslehranstalt Zeltweg, Outpost Trieben with focus on mechanical engineering/manufacturing technology 2012–2019 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2019–2021 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy […]
Karl Büchner
Contact Phone:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 Education/ Professional experience 2001–2009 Gymnasium Dresden Cotta 2010–2016 Diploma’s degree program in Materials Science and Technology, with focus on non-ferrous metallurgy, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology 2016 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.), title of thesis: Optimization of process parameters for the electrodeposition of brass on copper-plated steel rounds 2016–2017 Research associate […]
Veronika Grela
Contact Phone:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 Education/ Professional Experience 2006–2014 Secondary school “Bischöfliches Gymnasium”, Graz, Austria 2014–2020 Bachelorstudium Metallurgie an der Montanuniversität Leoben und Graduierung zum BSc (Bachelor of Science) 2020–2023 Masterstudium Recyclingtechnik an der Montanuniversität Leoben mit den Schwerpunkten Metallrecycling sowie Abfallwirtschaft 2023 Graduierung zur Diplomingenieurin, Masterarbeit: Beurteilung von verfahrenstechnischen Einflussfaktoren auf die (metallurgischen) […]
Thomas Howard
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5227+43 677 613 21 Education 2009-2014 HTL Leoben 2015-2020 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (B.Sc.) 2020-2024 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy as well as Iron and Stell Metallurgy 2024 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Hydrometallurgical extraction of valuable metals […]
Shabnam Jameshourani
Contakt Phone:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 Education/Professional experience 2014-2022 Bachelor’s degree program in Environmental Health Engineering at Sahid Behesti University in Teheran, Iran (BSc) 2022-2024 Master’s degree program in Environmetnal Engineering (Waste management) at University of Miskolc, Hungary 2024 Graduation (MSc)Topic: Investigation of photodegradation and aerobic biodegradation of phenolic contaminant from water, University of Miskolc-Hungary […]
Aleksandra Kazachenko
Contact Phone:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 Education Professional experience
Aaron Keuschnig
Contact Telefon:E-Mail Adresse: +43 3842 402 Education 2004-2012 BRG Spital an der Drau 2012-2021 Bachelorstudium Energy Engineering, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2021-2024 Master’s degree program in Energy Engineering, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Energy Process Engineering 2024 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Investigation of direct reduction of steel mill dust with hydrogen since 2024 PhD […]
Patrick Krall
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5246+43 660 68 18 Education 2009–2014 HTL Leoben with focus on Metallurgy 2015–2019 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2019–2021 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy and Iron and Steel Metallurgy 2021 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Sustainable recycling-related aluminium […]
Lea Luznik
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5216+43 660 83 52 Education / Professional experience 2011–2016 Höhere technische Lehranstalt Leoben im Bereich Logistik und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen 2013–2014 William Chrisman High School, Independence, MO, USA 2016–2020 Bachelor’s degree program in Industrial environmental protection and process engineering, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2020–2022 Master’s degree program in in Industrial […]
Reinhard Lerchbammer
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5222+43 664 812 472 Education/Professional experience 2003-2011 Europagymnasium Leoben 2012-2020 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2020-2022 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy and Metal Forming 2022 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.);Title of master thesis: Recovery of critical elements from […]
David Neuschitzer
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5233+43 660 59 724 Education/Professional experience 2007–2012 HTBL Ferlach for manufacturing engineering 2013–2018 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2018–2020 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy and Physical Metallurgy 2020 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Alternative acids for the reprocessing […]
Tendai V. Nyangdazayi
Contact Phone:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 Education 2008-2012 St. James Girls High School, Nyamandlovu, Zimbabwe 2013-2018 Bachelorstudium Chemieingenieurwesen an der National University of Science und Graduierung zum B.Eng (Bachelor of Engineering) 2020-2023 Masterstudium Chemieingenieurwesen an der Botswana International University of Science and Technology in Palapye, Botswana 2023 Graduierung zum Master of ScienceThema: Rückgewinnung von Chrom […]
Nicole Rinnhofer
Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5237+43 660 474 20 73 Education/Professional experience 2008–2016 Herta Reich Gymnasium Mürzzuschlag 2016–2022 Bachelor’s degree program in Material Science, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2022–2024 Master’s degree program in Material Science, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Metals Science and Materials Testing 2024 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Phase fraction and morphology […]
Sebastian Samberger
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail:Website: +43 3842 402 5235+43 676 431 22 TripleA (Advanced Aluminium Alloys) Education/Professional experience 2008–2013 HTL Leoben with focus on Metallurgy 2014–2019 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2019–2020 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy and Energy 2020 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Process […]
David Scheiblehner
Contact Phone:Mobile: E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5217 +43 664 16 63 Education/Professional experience 2006–2011 HTL Trieben with focus on mechanical engineering/manufacturing technology 2012–2019 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2019–2021 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy and Simulation 2021 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Investigation […]
Christoph Scherr
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5230+43 664 64 96 Education 2008-2016 Bischhöfliches Gymnasium Graz 2017-2023 Bachelor’s degree program in Recycling Technology, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2023-2024 Master’s degree program in Recycling Technology, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Metal Recycling and Waste Management 2024 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Investigation of the iron-silicon-manganese system as […]
Ehab Tara
Contact Phone:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 Education 2010-2016 HTL Leoben 2017-2021 Bachelor´s degree in Study Program Petroleum Engineering at University of Leoben, Austria, BSc 2021-2023 Master´s degree in International Study Prorgam Petroleum Engineering, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Production Engineering and Reservoir Engineering 2023 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Mathematical Description and Experimental Analysis of Sucker […]
Stefan Tichy
Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5229+43 664 937 50 Education/Professional experience 2004–2012 Gymnasium Kollegium Kalksburg 2013–2019 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2019–2021 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy and Iron and Steel Metallurgy 2021 Graduation with distinction (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Developing a refractory test […]
Bernhard Trink
Contact Phone:Mobile: E-Mail:Website: +43 3842 402 5244+43 650 830 48 TripleA (Advanced Aluminium Alloys) Education/Professional experience 2002–2010 Bundesrealgymnasium Villach Perau 2011–2019 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben (BSc) 2019–2020 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy and Material Science 2020 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.)Topic: Mikrostrukturelle Charakterisierung einer […]
Andreas Weidinger
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail:Website: +43 3842 402 5255+43 664 217 13 TripleA (Advanced Aluminium Alloys) Education/Professional experience 2009–2013 Apprenticeship in mechatronics at EBNER furnace technology and vocational maturity examination 2015 Degree in Electrical Engineering Master Craftsman Training 2015–2021 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2021–2022 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University […]
Patrick Willenshofer
Contact Phone:Mobile:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 5221+43 664 54 41 Education/Professional experience 2007–2012 Higher Technical Education Institute (HTL) Kapfenberg / education focus on Electrical engineering 2013–2019 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2019–2020 Master’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Nonferrous Metallurgy and Metallic Materials 2020 […]
Kerrin Witt
Contact Phone:E-Mail: +43 3842 402 Education/Professional experience 2006–2014 Neues Gymnasium Leoben 2014–2020 Bachelor’s degree program in Metallurgy, University of Leoben, Austria (BSc) 2020–2023 Master’s degree program in Recycling Technology, University of Leoben, Austria, with focus on Metal Recycling and Waste Management 2023 Graduation (Dipl.-Ing.); title of master thesis: Selective chlorination and extraction of valuable […]
Christoph Wölfler
Contact Phone:E-Mail: +43 3842 402